Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lifesaver Lesson

The Lifesaver lesson was a fun and simple way to introduce students to the basic steps of the inquiry process. We started with a question. We used our materials to come up with a procedure, we then conducted the procedure, analyzed our data, and came up with a conclusion based on the data. These are all the basic steps of the inquiry process. I think because this lesson would be so entertaining for younger students they would easily be able to recall the steps. This will be extremely helpful later on when they are using the inquiry process for much more difficult and scientifin questions. The inquiry process is not only important for science but across content areas. Once students grasp the concepts and the steps become concrete in their minds I am sure they will be more successful students. I think the earlier you can introduce this process to students the better prepared and efiicient they will be during their entire educational career. With the Lifesaver lesson we have taken invaluable information and made it accessible to young students.

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